About Artist & Buying the Art

About Purchasing Artwork

Purchase either originals or prints of Adam Wellborn's artwork here. There is a secure system in place for checkout. None of your payment information is stored so it is not at risk. The hope is you will continue with our relationship here, at shows, and through social media. You will only receive email communication if you elect to. Commissions schedule availability can be found here. Upcoming events will be announced via newsletter and the blog.

About the Artist

The daily use of Methylphenidate starting at age nine and lasting until about fifteen caused a strange period of silence and solitude for this artist. After nearly six years of constant drawing, as a refuge from the world, my 15 year old self emerged from the drafting table with around 10,000 hours of drawing experience. Logos, comics, landscapes, human forms, and countless characters were created in my childhood home. Drawing saved my life back then.

After discontinuing daily use of the drug, my silence broke and I fell into the world of sex, drugs and whatever loud music was playing in the nineties. Eventually I made it to art school and actually graduated inside the four year term with a Bachelor's in Fine Arts.

Like most, my college career wasn't a straight path. I absolutely found a home at The Atlanta College of Art in my early twenties. I studied under great professors and alongside some amazing artists. They put a diploma in my hand in 2004. Shortly after graduating, although trained as an illustrator, I began a career in marketing - and I knew zilch about marketing.

As use of the internet grew, I was funneled into SEO and later into content marketing. Clicking away on a keyboard by day, and painting by night, I managed to pin down a series of art shows in Atlanta for a few years.

Work was a drag, so I co-founded a web marketing company, then sold it a few years later. Later animated videos got hot in commercial use and I found them fun to create. I finally saw some real money doing these.

Currently I manage all efforts in a successful ecommerce site and contract other content marketing campaigns. I'm super busy now with a new family and live in Decatur, Georgia.

Ultimately the time arrived when I had to make some decisions about what I was going to do when I grew up. I decided to sharpen my pencils and get back to my real passion - drawing and painting. I'm showing again at Kai-Lin Art. I'll also be keeping the blog up to date about new adventures.